Well we now have the virus in our household. Hubby started not feeling well Saturday and I told him if he did not feel any better by Monday he better get tested. Sure enough he has the virus and now I am started with the same symptoms as he did. Mostly like a head cold with sore throat, cough and runny nose. He had a low grade fever a couple times but so far I have not had any fever.
Anyway since I was to have an appointment on Wednesday with my surgeon I called in to see if I should cancel. They recommended I keep the appointment because of my cancer diagnosis but go to the outside clinic which was in the Emergency parking lot. So we did and parked in special slots with numbers assigned to them along with a phone number. So when we got there I called that number and told them Slot #5 and the surgeon and a nurse came out and checked my incision while I sat in the car. They both were gowned and masked up really well and so I hope that they will not be infected. But the good news is that my incision is doing what it is supposed to do....drain. I am to see him again after we are done quarantining.
We are instructed to rest a lot, drink lots of fluids, take Tylenol and so therefore I don't imagine I will be posting any cards for awhile again. At least before I got this COVID-19 I had sent out all the Thanksgiving cards to the shut-ins. So many of the nursing homes have this virus too. So I hope the cards will perk up those infected.
It seems to be very catchy stuff. And, we always masked up but I guess that doesn't mean you will not get it. Only went to the grocery store and drug store. Also the doctors office a lot. So far we seem to have mild cases as the fevers are low or non existant in my case. I hope all of you continue to stay away from it.
God bless, Verna