Saturday, May 28, 2022

CAS Card

 Another CAS card made today. Yesterday I read a book which I finished this morning so this afternoon I got an Altenew Mini Delight: Bold Blooms stamp set out and made this card. I used my Prismacolors to add color to the design. 

I hope all of you have a great weekend. We have company and my daughter brought a few more card making supplies in. I had her bring my Altenew Blossom die cutting machine so now I can cut small dies. 

Well take care everyone. God bless, Verna 


Sandra H said...

This card is so pretty x

Vicki Dutcher said...

Very elegant!

Brenda in IN said...

This is lovely and colored so well. I'm glad you are able to cut small dies now but your CAS cards are delightful so don't stop making them.

Dawn S. said...

Such a lovely CAS card!

Carol L said...

That's great that you're able to make cards again with the supplies you're used to! This turned out just gorgeous! wishing you a peaceful Memorial Day weekend!

Rosy Newlun said...

I love how dainty and charming this looks! And CAS! The little die cutting/embossing machines certainly have a place, right? I recently bought one on sale. It's perfect for using while I am on my bed, just die cutting small flowers and sentiments. Love to you & Arlin from Bruce and me!

Kathy Krug said...

Beautiful CAS design, Verna. You are really getting back into the swing.

Barbara said...

Your circumstances have made you a great CAS card designer. Glad to see you back at it.

Lisa K said...

Beautiful! Lovely CAS card. Glad your daughter was able to bring you supplies you are used to.

Lisa Babitz said...

Love your CAS design! You colorored your floral image beautifully. It's awesome that you are able to die cut now; have fun with the new supplies you've added to your stash!!

Judy Woodland said...

I love this so much. Your design is flawless, as is your coloring. I like the clean and simple look, you have really nailed it!! Just FABULOUS!!!!

Maria said...

A very pretty CAS card! You colored it beautifully! It could be used for so many occasions! How sweet of your daughter to bring you more craft supplies! I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations!

Jeanne H said...

Indeed, a very lovely CAS card. Well done on the coloring and the simplicity.

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

Clean, simple and beautiful!

TK said...

Gorgeous flower, Verna, you're making beautiful things!

Lisa said...

Oh this is beautiful! What a sweet image!

Cecilia Benjamin said...

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Thanks Blog Admin once again.

Fluttering By

 First of all I want to wish all my Canadian friends a Happy Canada Day! I hope your day is extra special. This card I am showing uses an Al...